Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Common Sense Pamphlet by John Paine

Perhaps one of the most old and first examples of citizen journalism was written on january 10th 1776 by the philosopher John Pain. his pamphlet the Common Sense.

this pamphlet contained dangerous ideas for the period and Paine knew he couldnt publish it in any of the popular media outlets he had available in that time. thats when he recured to citizen journalism by printing his own pamphlet to wake the people up and rise against the establishment.

the pamphlet stimulated the revolution with strong ideasand opinions that couldnt be published in newspapers. he managed to distribute 600000 copies and today a blog would have the same effect than his pamphlet considering the population in the 13 colonies back then.

today thanks to people like Paine we know the value of opinions through citizen journalism and independent media

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